Info: Bob Liu

Photo of a man standing on the sidewalk

Bob Liu is a user experience designer and strategist based in Tucson, Arizona, USA. His work focuses on websites and services that impact the public, including those in higher education and the government sector. He pinpoints design solutions through user research, stakeholder engagement, and collaboration with multifunctional teams. He delivers strategies that balance business and end user needs.

Currently, he manages the User Experience team at the University of Arizona Libraries. He also organizes UX@UA, the largest community for UX professionals and learners in Arizona.

Get in touch via email:

Talks, Workshops, & Lectures

July 31, 2024
Talk: New Homepage for the University of Arizona Libraries
At the UX Leadership of Libraries (UXlol) Summer Meetup

June 11, 2024
Workshop: Anyone Can Design – Bringing Teams Together With a Design Studio
At UXLibs 2024 in Cambridge, UK

April 25, 2024
Workshop: Design Studio – Hands-On Workshop
A UX@UA event

April 6, 2023
Talk: Getting Projects Done with Design Sprints
At UX@UA event: How to “Sprint”

March 17, 2022
Talk: Voice Design Inspires Me
At UX@UA event: Voice & Conversational Design

September – December 2021
Course taught: UX4Justice (LAW 672C, STRAT 6910-03)
University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law and University of Utah David Eccles School of Business

January 27, 2021
Guest lecture for UX Research (ENGL 430)
University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

October 7, 2020
Workshop: Code for the Web 101 – Learn CSS!
A UX@UA event

March 18, 2020
Guest lecture for UX Research (ENGL 430)
University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

October 8, 2019
Guest lecture for Design for Web and Devices (ART 361)
University of Arizona College of Fine Arts

Professional Experience

2022 – Present
User Experience Strategist
University of Arizona Libraries

Adjunct Instructor
University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

2019 – 2023
User Experience Designer
University of Arizona Libraries

2018 – 2019
HCI Research Scholar
University of Minnesota Department of Computer Science & Engineering

2017 – 2018
User Interface Designer
State of Minnesota